49$Every yearFor Treatment ProfessionalsÂ- Incredible No-Brainer Pricing - Only $49/Year (Per Location)
- Access All Films & Blog Videos
- Access All DISCUSSION MATERIALS For Use With Patients
- All New Films & Blog Videos Will Be Added to Your Plan
- Extensive Blog Video Catalog Is Coming Soon
- Billed Annually
29$Every yearFor IndividualsÂ- Remarkable No-Brainer Pricing - Only $29/Year
- Access All Films & Blog Videos
- All New Films & Blog Videos Will Be Added to Your Plan
- Extensive Blog Video Catalog Is Coming Soon
- Billed Annually
0$ÂNo Credit Card Required.Valid for 2 weeks- No Charge. No Strings Attached. 2 Weeks.
- View & Use 3 Selected Films
- Use their 3 Discussion Materials
- Try the Films Out in Group Sessions
Your Subscription Will Help Us to Make, Acquire, and Commission More Films for You to Use
I think these films would be great to integrate into any treatment program.
Rosalyn Gilbert / LCSW, BCD, Supervisor of The Entertainment Community's Addiction & Recovery Services

What does the Free Trial offer, and how long does it last?
We’ve chosen three films for you to try out - Dressed, Julien, and Jack in Astoria. They look at AUD and its effects from different points of view.
Also, they’re all on the shorter side. We know that you’re busy in your work, and this will hopefully make it easier for you to preview the films on your own before trying them out in session.
Also, you can utilize the discussion materials for the films during your trial.
Please reach out to us with any questions or comments. We’re here to learn, and to help as best we can.
Why the No-Brainer pricing? That’s incredibly inexpensive for a full year!
We want these films to be used in treatment centers so that counselors will have another effective tool in the toolbox to best help those who need recovery. Your membership will help us to make more films.
How does membership work? Who can use a membership?
Membership is $49 or $29, charged annually.
Treatment centers will pay $49 per location. The log-in to show the films can be used by the counselors at that location, but is not to be shared with anyone outside of the location.
Individual counselors, ie. those who work on their own, would pay $49/year also.
We’re counting on the integrity and good will of the treatment community. We’ve made the price low, and we trust that you will be fair and pay per location or per user.
If you have any questions, please contact us and we’ll discuss what’s the best way to set up your membership.
Will you be making more films?
Yes. Straight Ahead Films plans to create, acquire, and commission more films. They will be added to your membership for you to use.
Your films so far are focused on alcohol. Will you be telling stories of other problems?
Yes. We will focus on stories that have to do with problems with Alcohol Use Disorder and with Substance Use Disorder. Some stories will include both, and some will focus more on one than the other.
Where can we show these films?
Wherever trained counselors are present for viewers to consider and discuss the problems of AUD (Alcohol Use Disorder) and SUD (Substance Use Disorder).
More specifically, this mostly means in treatment settings in outpatient and inpatient facilities, but it could also be in community groups or wherever this work is done.
That said, we don’t want to limit their use. For example, there are many groups of different types around the country that raise awareness of AUD/SUD issues and recovery, and if a group feels the films may be useful there, that’s terrific.
All Terms and Conditions apply wherever the films are screened. If you have any questions regarding this, contact us.
Two firm restrictions - These films are not to be shown in any setting where admission is charged or as part of a gathering focused on entertainment, not recovery.
How frequently can I show each film?
As often as you want to. We expect that many in-patient rehabilitation centers will use these films, and as they have frequent changes in patient populations due to fairly short stays, the films will serve a purpose numerous times throughout a year.
Are the stories solely related to 12th Step Recovery?
Jack in Astoria is not related to 12th Step in any way. The other films in the catalog at this moment are. We’ll be adding a variety of stories that will delve into many aspects of AUD and SUD, and various types of recovery from these problems.
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You can read our Terms and Conditions here.